This gorgeous little sweetheart was at the last portrait party to get photos taken for her birthday. She just got the awesome pink streak in her hair as a special gift.....and you know I'm not partial to girls with fun hair or anything........ so I need to show her off one more time.
I was surprised that a couple of the guests at the portrait party were people I knew from our childhood...mostly sports related. One that was really cool was a High School friend of mine who was there with her two children. Her son was born on the exact same day...same my older daughter. Crazy! These children are fun and super cute...take a look at her daughter, who has the happiest face I've ever seen.
These two are super cool and both play string instruments, so I was glad they brought them along. Both are in the midst of orthodontist magic, so didn't want any big smiles. They're beautiful with their serious faces, aren't they?
This little cutie wasn't so sure of the crazy lady with the camera, so I took most of the shots with her on her mom's lap...I like the feel that came from that
Getting closer to being halfway done.... If I don't get your preview up tonight, please check back for it tomorrow. I will do my very best to have some up from every session by the end of the day. Thanks!!
I am selling my Olympus E-510 camera body and 50-200mm 2.8 lens, as well as my Olympus FL-50 speedlight. This is an excellent system, Olympus' top end semi-pro camera. I loved this system, but made the switch to Canon equipment. If you are interested, please email me at
Portrait Parties
New for 2008: Portrait Parties! I have decided, after much success with mini-sessions last year, to offer Portrait Parties in 2008. Just like a Tupperware party, the host/hostess invites guests to participate in mini-sessions at his/her home or other location...and in return receives a print credit of 20% of total sales from the party. I will be happy to help you work out the details of your party, and will supply you with custom invitations. Guests receive a free mini-session, and in return will be required to purchase at least $50.00 in prints, which is due at the time of the mini session to be held as a print credit towards their order. Each mini-session will be about 20 minutes in length and is for up to four people. If a guest requires more than 30 minutes, or wishes to include more than four people in their session there will be a $25.00 fee. I will bring several backdrops to the party so the host need not worry about having the 'perfect' spot in their home. All I need is an average sized room with some good window light. Often I push the dining table out of the way and take advantage of patio doors. In order to host a portrait party you must have at least 6 guests book mini sessions. If you would like to host a party, please contact me at