I was 'tagged' by another photographer,
Jael DeYoung, who I love. I am supposed to list eight random facts about myself....
...so here goes....
1. My name is Rebecca and I am a gnomaholic. (you: "Hi Rebecca") I love them.
2. I went to college partially on a trombone scholarship.
3. I have had 12 surgeries. ...or is it 13? I can't remember them all. And I've broken a lot of bones.
4. I have run three marathons.
5. I had premature twin girls who passed away. They would have started kindergarten last week.
6. I have eight tattoos and a nose ring.
7. I used to own an art gallery/studio and was a professional watercolor and mural painter.
8. I think that our soldiers should come home. I support them wholeheartedly but not the war.
I tag
Amy Hall