I just ordered a new camera body! I'm an Olympus girl, which is not so common for professional photographers. Most are Nikon or Cannon people. My dad always loved Olympus and I love to use a camera that my dad would have loved. I've had my current camera, an Olympus E-300, for three years and it's served me very well. I am upgrading now to the newest model of the Olympus Evolt, the E-510. While my old one was 8 megapixels, this one is 10. The new one has advanced camera stabilization which will help me a ton...because I tend to have a bit of a tremor (thanks to my dad's genes). It also has three focus points, making it much easier to get a crisp image. It works with all of my current lenses, so nothing has to change there. I was going to have to rent another camera for each of my three weddings coming up, so that I had a back up in case of camera malfunction. That would have been very costly. Now I will have a back up for all of my shoots, which will make me feel much better...just in case.